My Films

Friday, March 28, 2008

New York: Satyagraha Walk

So in attempt to be more active on my blog, I hope to be writing regularly on stories and events related peace, media, technology, human rights, Japan, New York and any where else in the world.

I came across this today through one of my email list serves and once again wished I was in New York to participate.

The Satya Graha Forum is organizing the Be the Change Walk which starts at four different points through out Manhattan and converges at Union Square, where unbeknownst to many stands a statue of Gandhi. This is the kick off event for Metropolitan Opera's presentation of Philip Glass's (composer) Satayagraha at Lincoln Center. Glass, journalist Gustav Neibuhr and Vishakha N. Desai will discuss Gandhi's legacy at an event on April 23rd.
To view the events line up for the month of April click here.

The walk starts at 1pm on April 6th from the following locations:

NORTH: New York Public Library
5th Avenue & 42nd St.
EAST: Sara D. Roosevelt Park
E. Houston St. & Chrystie St.
SOUTH: City Hall Park (South end)
Broadway & Park Row
WEST: Chelsea Park
9th Ave. & 27th St.
They estimate that the walk will take between 30-40 minutes. Afterwards, there will be a Flower Petal Ceremony to commemorate Gandhi's life.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Colloquia Series at Columbia University

Oh, I so wish I could attend this event in New York, since it is very applicable to my thesis. Hopefully, I'll be giving presentations such as these one day.
My film March 22 was included in Deep Dish TV's compilation Shocking and Awful which was exhibited at the Whitney Museum as part of the 2006 Whitney Biannual.

The Peace Education Center
Teachers College,
Columbia University
Colloquia Series Spring 2008
21st Century Peace Education:
Discourses, Dilemmas, Practices


“Bullets into Blogs,

Swords into Power Points:

Old & New Media in the Quests for Peace”

Dr. Dee Dee Halleck

Co-Founder of Paper Tiger Television and the Deep Dish Satellite Network

Professor Emeritus, Department of Communication, University of San Diego

Thursday, March 27. 7-9pm Location: Room 363 GDH

(Teachers College, Columbia University525 West 120th Street)

* Free and Open to the Public *

DVD Showing: World Tribunal on Iraq

Upcoming 21st Century Peace Education events at

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Applying for grants and fellowships

Hello~! I am back in Tokyo and have been working diligently on my thesis. I feel very positive about the progress that I am making and believe that the less than two months I have left will prove to be a smooth experience. Otherwise, I am also in the process of applying for grants and fellowships.

It is my belief that there is an abundance of money in this world- money that people put aside to do good with- and money that is channeled through the form of grants and fellowships, and money that will support me in my endeavors to use the power of media for peace, human rights and development.
Here are some of the ones that I am looking at:

International Reporting Fellowship- Due April 1, 2008- "The International Reporting Project will offer up to four IRP Fellowships to U.S. journalists to carry out a project reporting from any country in the world outside of the United States. One of these Fellowships will be the “IRP/FRONTLINE World Fellowship” for video journalists, which will offer additional support through the PBS program FRONTLINE/World and a chance for the Fellow’s story to appear on that program’s web site and broadcast."

New Media Women Entrepreneurs- Due May 1, 2008- "NMWE is a unique initiative addressing opportunity and innovation, recruitment and retention for women in journalism by spotlighting their ingenuity and entrepreneurial abilities. Pilot projects will show what can be done. Research will tell us what more to do. And an awards program and summit will showcase women’s creative ideas. NMWE is supported by the McCormick Tribune Foundation."

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Media and Peace links

Hi everyone,

I'm in New York and things are going superb with my thesis research. I feel that I have collected more than an adequate amount of information to write a 70 page thesis paper and I am now coming away from this feeling committed to get what I will be writing published in an academic journal. Chat the Planet and their show Hometown Baghdad has gotten quite a bit of mainstream media press and I think it's now time for them to get academic press.

I wanted to share with you some links (having to do with media, technology, journalism and peace) that I have come across in my research.

Have a great day,

ICT4Peace - Weblog dedicated to exploring information and communication technology for peacebuilding.
ICT for Peace Foundation - A foundation which aims to enhance the performance of the international community and crisis management through the application of information communication technology.
DigiDave-a weblog about the people, the technology, the theory and practice of citizen journalism
Ugo Trade - a weblog dedicated to virtual realities in "web 2.0" that cross digital divides.
Blogflict - weblog dedicated to empowering people to share information and discuss conflicts and crises.
Global Voices - a site which aggregates, curates and amplifies the global conversations online.
Global Media - a global network of communication scholars which produces the academic Global Media Journal
Media, Conflict and and Society- links resource of various organizations and institutions in the field of communications and conflict.
Better media, less conflict - An article by the European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation